Episode 11
I need no dibia to tell me i t was over between Sammy and I, I went home wondering what was wrong with me, this was the second heartbreak I was having. What is it I haven't gotten right? Why am I been dumped? I searched and searched but found no answer. I resolved to face my studies and forget boys, and that was exactly what I did until I got to final year.
We were already assigned supervisors and project topics. My topic was on the "Biological effects of gas on human blood". When I looked at the topic I didn't even know where and how to start. I ran to Lucy who was also having difficulties in hers, but she always had a solution for me, even when it's not permanent, she has a way of making me feel OK. She told me there was one of our course mate who can help me out. " really"? I asked, she nodded in the affirmative. I quickly urged her to introduce me fast as time was of the essence.
That was how I met Charles. Charles was my course mate, we've attended lectures together since 100level, but we've never spoken to each other until now. When Lucy showed him to me, part of me wanted to ignore going to him , buy then who would help me in this project, I had no choice but to go to him. I was shy buy I moved on. He was packing his bags to leave when I approached him. "Good afternoon" I greeted, good afternoon he responded. "Please I was told you could assist me with my project work. Am having a lil bit of difficulty writing it. He turned and looked at me again and asked for my topic I told him and then he said I should meet him the next day as today was already over. I greeted him and walked away. I was relieved that at least he didn't refuse.
The next day , Charles started helping me out with my work, he would browse, write and teach me. He practically did the work as if it was his own. Sometimes we would be left alone in school, at a point we started going to his house to work and write.Charles was really a friend. He didn't stay alone, he was living with his girlfriend. Whenever I went over there she would frown her face, I knew she didn't like that I was close to her boyfriend but what can I do?
I have become so close to Charles and feelings have started to develop, we spend almost the whole day together. Charles told me he had no idea I was this lovely and that he thought of me as a snub . " do not judge a book by it's cover I told him! I was already falling for Charles and I knew the feeling was same for him, but I tried to keep it as close as possible. Whatever this feeling was must die same way it's coming. But it wasn't so for Charles, he tried to keep it hidden, but he couldn't, for even the blind could see it that he felt something for me. This provoked his girlfriend even more.
We finally graduated from school. The day we wrote our last exam was wow! Lots of drinks, celebration everywhere. I went to Charles's place, there was a party going on there, I had lot to drink. After drinking and eating enough I told him I was leaving and that by the next day I would leaving delsu for good. I thanked him for all his help to me, I also greeted his girlfriend and I took my bags and left. Emotions was flowing through both if us. Emotions that were not released, it was a painful departure.
I got to my house. Neighbours welcomed me and congratulated me, some poured me water from my head to toe, I was completely drenched. After a while I was allowed to go to my room. I changed into my undies n a night wear. It was already past 9pm. I started arranging my things in preparation for the movement the next day, then I heard a knock on my door. " hold on I shouted, grabbed a wrapper from my bed and tied it to my chest, I went to open the door. And Charles was there standing before me.
"What are you doing here I asked him" instead of answering me he pushed me aside and came inside, I shut the door after him and stood in front of him. "What are you doing here I asked again? Before I could say anymore word he grabbed me and started kissing me. I was supposed to push him away but I didn't, instead I kissed him back, I wanted him so badly . it's been 2years since I had sex, his hands soon found my breast, as he squeezed them gently, my wrapper fell off leaving a bare body for him to handle. I must confess that Charles knew exactly the right places to touch to make my head spin round and round.
It was not long before we went into the main deal. I was moaning so loud that he had to cover my mouth with his hands, the sex lasted for about 10 minutes yet it felt like forever. When we finally finished, Charles told me his my body felt so warm in him and how he didnt want me to leave him. He wants this to continue. Whatever it was we were doing, I too didn't want it to stop either. Charles slept at my house that night. In the morning he left after I promised to stay another week for him
The extra week in school was heaven on earth, Charles was always at my place, sometimes we would go out together and sometimes I would go over to his place. His girlfriend has already traveled back home for the holidays. One day we visited the beach , I was teaching Charles to swim. It was our last day of the week I promised to stay. We were alone in the entire place. Soon we started kissing. In the open, under the morning sun, the bright lights, nothing felt beautiful than that moment. We decided to take our making out further, we stepped out of the water and laid down by its side on the bare sand, and then we started making love. It was a hot sex. I have never had that kind of sex ever before. It was wrong but at that moment it felt right! Suddenly a man started coming out way, it was one of the workers in the beach, we saw him, he saw us, but we didn't stop, we kept on with what we were doing and he kept in coming. When I saw he would not stop coming and he would recognize our faces if he comes any closer, I pushed Charles from on top of me and dived into the cool water in front of me, he followed me two seconds later. We were laughing and talking on how naughty we've become.
The next day, we got to the park together, we were going to different directions. What we had had no definition, but it was from the heart. We said our goodbyes and bidded each other farewell.
Episode 12
Charles and I kept in touch. We were always talking on phone. He told me he has relocated to the rugged city of warri and is now working at one company over there. It was the same company he served at as a copper. After his youth service he was retained. He now has a house of his own and he was doing fine. I on the other hand has also just gotten a job, I got employed in one private clinic Salvation maternity asaba. And so I also got a house for myself, we were both doing great.
I asked Charles of his girlfriend and he told me they finally broke up. I must confess that part of me was happy when he gave me that news. "What happened?" I asked. Don't bother yourself over it dear he replied, it's over and it's over. I said it's OK. Then he invited me to come visit him at warri. I was excited about this.
By weekend I was already with Charles, he took me to his work place and showed me to his bosses I was happy. I spent the entire weekend there with him. That was the beginning of my every weekend trip to warri. Charles and I were having a great time., I cook for him, and we do everything married people do. I was practically living as a single but married lady. I had high hopes for us, I had plans. Even though I didn't know what he was planning.
Everything was going on smoothly for about 7months, and just like the other guys, Charles started changing. First, he stopped calling me. I was the only one calling, and when I ask why he wasn't calling me, he would say he had no airtime. Then I would send him airtime, still he wouldn't call. I will text him and he won't reply. One day I sat at home and cried not again. Maybe it's just because he was busy. His birthday was fast approaching, I plan on surprising my boo.
Then I called him, I intend using this medium to make up whatever it is that was making him change. I won't lose Charles easily. I called him to invite him over to asaba. Charles assures me he was going to come. Then I dashed off to the market , and I bought a live fowl, butchered and fried it, I prepared fried rice, bought wine and bought a very large cake. I called Charles again to know if he was already on his way, he told me that he would meet up with me in another two hours. I was so happy. I set the table with candles. I bought some Rose flowers and sprinkled them on the already made bed like I used to see in American best sellers. I took another look at everything I have done and it was perfect. I rushed to take my bath, applied some make up, I wore something very sexy, I will make him fall in love again. That was my plan.
After 2hours I called him and his number was not reachable. I guess he was out of network and will soon get here. I slot in the Celine Dion CD on my DVD, as it was playing, I was imagining the things I'd do to Charles when he gets here, I didn't know the time I slept off. It was the sound of thunder and rain that woke me up. I checked the time it was already past 11pm, I quickly grabbed my phone to check for missed calls and there was non. Then I started calling him, I called and called and there was no answer instead he started cutting the call. I sent a text to him asking where he was and there was no reply. It now dawned on me that Charles was not going to come . I was angry, I was mad, I was crying, in tears I took a knife and began to pieces the cake which I bought, I there the pieces on the wall, I opened the wine and I drank it, I wanted to drink myself to death, it was in the middle of my tears I slept off again for the second time.
In the morning I decided I was not going to work, I woke up with a terrible headache, I took some drugs and decided to REST at home. When it was pm3 I packed my bag. I am going to warri, Charles must tell me to my face that it was over if not he is going nowhere. When he saw me he was surprised. There was no excuse on why he acted the way he did. I prepared the evening food, we ate in silence. It was as if I was with my elder brother, no romance between us, no jokes, nothing to gist or laugh about, you could feel the distance between us. From his actions I knew I was not welcomed at all.
When we finished eating i tried to engage him in a discussion, but he was not interested, then I started touching him in his most sensitive parts, even though his body responded fast he was clearly not interested, but I wouldn't give up easily so I continued. It wasn't for Long before our lips found each other. We ended up having sex. It was not fun like it used to, it was not love making, it was just a dry sex. After the sex I expected him to say something to me, little did I know he has slept off. Can you imagine that? Who sleeps off during sex? I was pissed off and irritated. I carried my bags and left his house. I rather sleep outside tonight than remain in this house with this man that does not feel anything for me.it was a two story building and his room was at the top most floor. It was already past pm, I made my wrapper outside his gates and I maid 11down to sleep with tears dripping from my eyes. I was lost in thoughts. I soon slept off. Charles woke up in the middle of the night to see i was not in his house, then he started looking for me. He eventually saw me where I have already slept off. He started begging me to come back in. After a long begging, I went back to his room where I slept till morning.
In the early hours of the morning, Charles was still asleep, I picked up his phone to see if I can find out what he was hiding, I went through his messages and then I saw it! His messages with one particular girl. I checked his Facebook messages and it was all there, his love messages with same girl. He even saved her number on his phone as RHODA MY PRINCESS.
I quickly dropped his phone when I saw he was about waking up. Charles is cheating on me with a girl name Rhoda! What do I do? I collected Rhoda's number from his phone, I also collected her Facebook name, then j sent her a friend request and she accepted. Charles woke up and greeted me coldlyI also answered him coldly. That morning I left his house and returned back to asaba. I must get to the bottom of this.
To be continued...
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