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Seriously, I am saddened, "what age is ideal for Marriage"



I am saddened, where did we get it wrong.

I saw someone's post about late marriage. And am like "what age is ideal for Marriage" 

My Dad Married at the age of 27 and I just clocked 27 recently. Am just thinking how my dad did it. Am looking at what he had then verses what I have now. And to be sincere, I have more than what he had at that time. My mom always sing about how she got married to my dad, the scenario that took place and stuff like that. My dad on the other, anytime he wants to advise me, he always begin from how he was broke, how he got a job as a Gardner!!! Yes ooo gardner, then married my mom at 27 and they build a life together. 

My mom and dad were married for 25 years before her demise, which destabilized my dad to the core. Why!!! She stood by him when he went back to school, that's the university not after failing Jamb severally because, maybe one of the reason, he didn't attend secondary school (he definitely went to tutorials, he always preaches that to our heard all the time) So for years, while working in the morning, he went to school in the evening. He saw another job which pays better then a Gardner. My mom on the other hand, was productive herself she started teaching children for lesson and the business grew to become a school. And she was a secondary school drop out. They worked together and looking back now, I see that my dad can't do without my mom and vise versa at that time. There was no problems or fight, except for one event when my dad sis visited. Probably because my dad family didn't like that he married an IBO. 

Now, talking about today, this era. Am 27, exactly the age my dad married, I can dare to say I am richer than him at that time when he got married at 27. But I don't feel the need to get married now. I have listened to a lot of "MARRIAGE MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKERS" and I have a goal which I need to achieve, I know where I am going, but it may take a while to achieve it. 

In the comment section of the previous post I read, someone said the new age for marriage is 40😂. While she may not be far from the truth. As many of us, want to achieve one thing or the other. 

My question is this, CANT WE ACHIEVE OUR GOALS IN THE CONFINES OF MARRIAGE? just like my mom and dad did. 


Achieve your goals first, or reach some height in your goals before you marry so your spouse can respect you? 

What's your take?

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